
Iyashi Source products are some of the most highly regarded in the industry and because of that we receive hundreds of positive testimonials. Below are real testimonials from real people that include Doctors, health professionals and many others.

I was very tired after a demanding week of activity. My body just wanted to sit down and do nothing.We just received our package and I opened it and plugged in our 2 grounding wire and put our 2 pyramids (8 cm) on silver foil and attached the grounding wire to it. Then I put my Shieldite pendent on grounding foil with one of the pyramids for 15 minutes and then put on then started wearing the pendent around my neck.

Here is my experience – after a short while I began to feel better, more relaxed, less tired, – more like the feeling that it was the beginning of the day, instead of the end of the day. I was no longer experiencing feeling exhausted. I felt like I was on top of a mountain – where the air is so fresh and clear – the room and atmosphere literally felt different. Something had changed. My body felt better. We are overwhelmed by EMF all day long as our building is very close to many other buildings with lots of electronics + smart meters. On top of that, we have a lot of EMF due to our business, where we are on the computer and phones all day long. I feel liberated. I now no longer worry or indeed experience EMF sensitivity, as I know I am protected and grounded! I can definitely feel the difference.

I work on the second story of a building, and so the grounding factor of the Shieldite is a triple bonus. I am so delighted that this is the first device that really works – as I have tried so many other ones, who promised results, but did not work effectively enough to full protect me. Shieldite does!

Thank God!
by KellyAnn Andrews



Walking up the steep incline of my driveway, it suddenly dawned on me that my legs were strong and energized — they felt NORMAL — for the first time in 5 years!  What a thrill!  What a surprise!  I was so happy!  What was this?  Why was this suddenly happening?  Then, like a lightning bolt, it hit me:  there is only ONE THING I’ve done or changed that can account for this sudden vitality. I put my brand new shieldite pendant on for the very first time, about an hour earlier (after grounding it properly as instructed).  It had to be the shieldite, because it and it alone was the only factor that had changed.  Nothing else could account for this dramatic and joyous experience.


This was very convincing proof for me, as I’ve been battling for my health and my very life since being a victim of 4 major EMF “electrocution” events/shocks during a 4 or 5 year period – which had left me emaciated, terribly weak, chronically ill (when I’d been in perfect health before the events), and at a total loss as to what to do to recover.  I had tried a number of other companies’ EMF protection products or substances with only minimal or zero noticeable helpful effects.  Yet, within the first hour of using shieldite, my experience was the first real, palpable, tangible HOPE I’ve had in my 5-year struggle, and I was coming from a place of deep skepticism due to past failures with products.  I am ever so grateful I went ahead with the intuitive feeling to TRY just one more thing.

Then I remembered also that right after I put the new shieldite pendant on, OH MY GOODNESS, I felt very powerful, unmistakable physical detox symptoms releasing from my head/brain area, draining through the lymph system in my neck.  Wow.  When the shieldite was introduced into my bio-field, the Divine Intelligence of my body was apparently very stimulated and empowered into this immediate healing action!

BUT THERE’S MORE TO TELL !   My naturopathic doctor’s kinesiology (muscle) testing (which is always so amazingly accurate and trustworthy) brought a comment of great surprise from him when he tested me with the shieldite pendant — that an object so small could bring that much strength energetically into the aura/biofield.

… And that healing continues.  I wear the pendant constantly, ground it faithfully each day.  I CHERISH my shieldite and recognize it as a God-given substance – a real Gift from Above and, without wanting to sound so dramatic but in my case it truly seems it is dramatic, a real life-saver.

Very Gratefully, and with Kind Regards,


I was so very pleased, impressed and downright amazed with the effects of the shieldite pendant I received previously that I turned right around and bought 2 shieldite cubes, the small one (I think it’s 4×4) and the large one, 8×8 to help protect/cleanse/detox/harmonize my home environment from harmful EMF. So I put them on constantly grounded spots in two key areas where I suspected high EMF concentrations.
I share my personal experience in the sincere hope that it will perhaps help others in their search for protection/healing from EMF harm and damage. I – most reluctantly! — am a canary in the mineshaft after the 4 serious EMF “electrocution-blasts” I received over a 5 year period, and FYI, the strategy that has evolved for me is now the path combining these:
shieldite pendant/stones for home and environment
Iyashi’s to heal/mend/repair damage already done
EMF avoidance/mitigation/reduction
Getting out in God’s Holy Nature as much as possible – grounding in various ways, inside and outside
… And with all my heart, at this point in time, no doubt about it – I think Shieldite is truly the very best EMF protective and transmuting substance I have ever encountered. GOD-CREATED !
In humble love and hope for the healing of others,


First, I want to say thank you so much for sending me a new Shieldite pendant.  I am not exaggerating when I say I was feeling the effects of EMF Radiation. When I put the pendant and the iyashi bracelet on, I felt like myself again. Vibrant, full of energy and physically doing well also.  I would be honored to tell all the others who are experiencing EMF exposure.  How do I go about it to do this. Thank you so much again Pamela.  Warm wishes.

Jose L. Ortega-Macias


I wanted to share something we’ve observed since receiving our order.As I’ve shared in previous emails, the EMFs in our home is extremely high.
Last Monday we woke to find my daughter’s hamster’s (who lives in my daughter’s room and bathroom where the levels are as high as 1,900) eye was huge, swollen. Worried for her pet we took her to the vet. The vet wasn’t sure exactly what it was but guessed that the hamster may have a brain tumor and it was pressing the eye out of the socket. She sent us home with some meds for Dot which we began to give. Over the next few days giving the meds her wasn’t getting any better. Then Friday night our order arrived. Since then I’ve moved Dot out of the area she’s usually in to a place in our home where the EMFs measure around 600-800 and I placed the Shieldite pyramid next to her cage.This may sound crazy, but as of today (3 full days since adding the shieldite) but both my daughter and I believe the One True God of the Bible is using His creation, the shieldite, to answer our prayers and heal Dot. Her eye is so much better and the swelling is almost back to normal.Hope that encourages you as much as it does us, and that by His grace, you know the One, True, Living God who is still taking care of His creation.
by Colleen B


“Being a skeptic I’m not easily impressed with claims made about products. I have to use a product before I tell anyone about it. After using the shieldlite cube and Cerra water filter pitcher I can’t say enough about them. One cube is in the bedroom. Immediately both my husband and I noticed our sleep was more restful and we didn’t wake as often during the night. I went from waking at least twice a night to sleeping without waking.Drinking water has always been a struggle for me. I didn’t like to drink a lot of water. Now I easily drink 64 or more ounces of water per day. Even my family has commented one the different in the water.

My favorite product is the Iyashi wand. My work as an energy healer involves magnets. With the want I don’t actually touch my client, but use it about inch from their body. Many clients tell me they can feel the difference in their session. After muscle testing several brands of wands the Iyashi tested the highest. ”
by Glenda Cunning


“I have been feeling the negative effects of this toxic soup of EMF in my apartment for quite a while now and it has been quite intolerable.I was feeling very tired and lethargic as I have up to eleven wifi connections coming through my apartment from other peoples spaces. Some of these wifi signals are full power. I also have a smart meter about 15 feet away from me and a couple of cell towers about a kilometre away. This has been extremely taxing. On top of all that, at my place of work, I was also badly affected by heavy EMF. I would lecture all day, but would fell very taxed by the atmosphere in the room, no matter how much fun the students and I were having in class.

Well, I then came across a Shieldite demo on youtube and finally hope of relief from this yuckiness was born.

I originally called Iyashi Source and ordered a 4cm by 4 cm cube of Shieldite. After recieving the cube from the lovely Pamela at Iyashi, who has the compassion of an angel, I noticed an amazing sense of relief from the low feelings I had been experiencing in my life. I carried the cube everywhere I went and also slept with it in my bed!!! The only time I would be away from it was when I set it down for half an hour so that I could ground it using the grounding cable I ordered as well. Boy what a difference I felt. A feeling of calm came over me over the next few days as my body was able to begin recovering from all these evil EMF’s. I also noticed that I my insomnia began to disappear and I would enjoy a deeper sleep than I had had in quite a while. I now need two alarm clocks to wake me! I keep them far away of course, since I desire as little EMF as possible around me. I also noticed that I wasn’t as uncomfortable in my bed as I had been before. This lack of comfort is due to the metal springs in the mattress which really don’t help when you are surrounded by EMF’s. I have bought an air mattress so that I don’t have to worry about all those metal bed parts again. Not that the Shieldite does not work, it works, but I still follow the practise of keeping EMF as far away as possible. I still haven’t set it up as I wanted to keep things as they have been while experimenting with the Shieldite. And the Shieldite has passed the test with flying colours!!!

I must say that I am appalled at the system we live under for allowing the people of this nation to live in these conditions. It’s horrendous! There is one cell tower near scores of houses in my area and one next to a church. There are about 6 of them about half a km from my parents home. I even saw a cell tower right next to a care home in the city I work in! What he heck is going on?!

Anyways, since the cube worked so well, I bought some Shieldite stones, bricks and cubes for my parents and siblings and myself. I have not asked them how they feel yet as they have only had them a short time. Personally, I am feeling great though. My little apartment feels much more peaceful and ma puti cats are just sooooooo happy!!!!

Thanks Iyashi. You are all Super Heroes and deserve our respect and gratitude. And that goes DOUBLE for you Pamela!”
by MN


G’day, I recently received your bracelet and Shieldite pendant, and was astounded at the results! thank you so much. They have greatly changed my quality of life. I have nerve damage to my lumbar spine. My nervous system is in a painful hypersensitive state which has caused many complications including electromagnetic hypersensitivity. I needed to wear RF reducing clothing 24/7 as well as sleep in my basement and limit exposure to much of modern life. Otherwise muscle pain, headaches, nausea, confusion and memory loss would leave me incapacitated. When i wear your products there is a massive reduction in all these symptoms.”
by Tristan B, Australia


OMG.. everything I have ordered from IIT is great. The Shieldite gets rid of any type radio frequencies out there. It drags out negative energy. I can say enough about how fantastic these products are and how they have helped me.
by Stephanie Rorie
I bought Iyashi bracelet and Shieldite necklace and I noticed a big difference in my health. I know that the effect is permanent as long as I ground Shieldite every day. I get severe anxiety and depression from EMF. And your product gave me such a relief..Thank you !
by Airi E.


“In this age of continuing technological advancements there are many benefits to be reaped from the many new devices. At the same time our health and overall well being is affected by an ever increasing amount of invisible pollution in the form of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). These pervasive sources include cell phone towers, antennas, SMART meters, wireless internet, cordless phones, dirty electricity, wireless baby monitors, and all electrical devices or appliances. When I began looking for a product to protect myself I found Shieldite.

My experience with Shieldite has been phenomenal. Since owning the Shieldite cube and pendant I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my electro-sensitivity conditions. Without making any other lifestyle changes, I have less brain fog and increased mental clarity, no more dull headache type symptoms, and decreased irritability. Even my ailing house plant, which sits near the cube has perked up and come back to life! I would recommend this product to anyone that wants to make a good investment in their health by reducing your exposure to EMR. Doubly so for pregnant women, young children and women in general who are more susceptible to this constant radiation exposure.”
by Matt Bowskill : Port Perry, ON, Canada


“For the last 4 years, I have experienced chronic fatigue, dizziness, ringing in my ears, heart palpitations, anxiety, nervousness and several “garden” variety of symptoms that were very perplexing to me. As an energy worker, I tried everything I knew of and kept researching to figure out exactly what the cause was behind all of these daily symptoms. I worked on myself constantly, in addition to my regular work, which wore me out, and I would be totally exhausted by 3 in the afternoon but would have to keep working and would fall into bed at 9 at night. I had pretty much figured out I was living in a toxic environment since my health had declined to the point I was very discouraged and wasn’t sure if I was ever going to feel good again. I had actually forgotten what that felt like. My joy was gone. I was irritable a lot in my down time and very impatient. I tried to be positive; however, it was an effort and I had never been like that before.I have always been very athletic. I practice yoga, tai chi and meditate. I used to be a competitive runner with a resting heart rate of 38 so I was in elite condition. I have never had any health issues so I was very concerned what had happened to create the condition I was experiencing. The only factor that had changed was I moved in with a friend after my divorce. The area of the house I live in is surrounded by 4 outside air handling units, wifi, router, water softener, two inside air handling units, the pool electrical system, the sprinkler system, three tvs in addition to my cell phone, two computers and a microwave. When I moved in, I disconnected two tvs and the microwave unit as I was aware of the dangers of emf’s. I had never lived in wifi nor such a wired environment. And least I forget the smart meter on the outside of the house on my end of the living area.

About two weeks ago, my friend has 5 grandchildren. She said she was watching them use the ipad and her iphone when it hit her that this was probably not good for them. They are all under the age of 5 and spend a great deal of time using these devices in addition to the computer and watching videos. She started researching emf protection devices. She came across Shieldite. We both have tried different devices through the last several years trying to find something that worked. A week ago, our pendants arrived. Within 24 hours, I felt more calm. I didn’t really give much thought to the pendant because my work hours are long and my focus was not on the pendant. But after 48 hours, as I was laying in bed, I noticed that I didn’t have my heart pounding out of my chest as it had been doing for the last 4 years. I kept waiting for the palpitations but they never came. My heart rate was slow like it used to be. No more racing heart. The next day, I started to notice how positive I was without any effort. I was happier. I was excited about my work again. The biggest thing was by 3 in the afternoon, I had a lot of energy, just like I used to have. I worked until 9 that night and wasn’t tired when I went to bed. Since then, the energy continues to increase, the ringing in my ears is diminishing, the anxiety and nervousness is gone, no more dizziness. I am focused, very present moment and within a week, my whole life has dramatically changed.

I use a variety of energy devices. There are so many out there that have huge endorsements, big names backing them but I have found they often do not live up to the claims they are promoting. I can’t express into words how good I feel. I am singing without realizing it. I am optimistic and happy like I used to be. I don’t have to force those emotions anymore. I am excited about life and looking forward to running again since my heart is no longer an issue. I feel as though I have exited a black hole that I have been stuck in for several years. People don’t realize how the emf’s are affecting not only their health but also their animal companions.

I am so excited that I found this product and it is the REAL thing. I am sensitive to energy and am a great “tester.” If it helps me, it can help anyone. I feel Shieldite has brought me back to life and now I can do the things I have wanted to do for so long. I highly recommend this product to and for everyone including the animals. I no longer have to turn down incredible opportunities to be on location and do documentaries about the animals or another tv series because of the chronic fatigue. I am so excited about living again and feeling good, I had to write and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding this substance and bringing it to the market. My life will never be the same. I am going to share with everyone I know so they can enjoy a quality of life again!”
by Laura Lassiter


I am very sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies,so much that I have to be careful where I live and where I shop etc. I pretty sure I have tried every device out there and have spent thousands of dollars on devices that is suppose to protect me from EMFs. When someone recommended the Shieldite I assumed it would not work but the cost was so low I thought I would give it a try. Wow.. this the first time I been able to function in certain environments that are full of EMFs. I no longer get brain fog and fatigued. This Shieldite is the real thing and I am never without my pendant. I am saving for the big pyramid since I hear it even more powerful. Thank you so much – this Shieldite has been God-sent.
by Debbie Regan , Calgary


After prolonged exposure to toxic mold in our home, my husband snored loudly and displayed serious symptoms of sleep apnea. One night he accidentally wore his Shieldite pendants to bed, and slept as quiet as a mouse. He woke up saying it was the best night’s rest he’d gotten in a long time. So the next night he intentionally wore the shieldite stones to bed and again he slept quietly and peacefully (and consequently, I did too, because I wasn’t kept awake by his snoring). He started wearing his shieldite pendant to bed every night and slept peacefully without snoring each night. When he forgot to wear it to bed with him recently, he snored loudly and I thought, “darn, the Shieldite isn’t working.” The next morning we realized that he had forgotten to wear it to bed. It is now a regular habit for my husband to wear the Shieldite stones to bed with him while he sleeps and his snoring has by now become a thing of the past.
by Jeanette Wagner, florence KY


I’m at a friends house (her name is Sandy) and this morning her 40 year old daughter, Diane, came for a quick visit to get medicine for her son. Diane’s presence is always chaotic, thus difficult to be around. After she left the house, it felt like an enormous cyclone of chaotic energy had just blown through the whole area. As soon as Diane left, I grounded my shieldite pendant and put it around my neck. A few minutes later, I talked with Sandy who was feeling drained and wiped out from the ordeal. I put the pendant around her neck and within minutes watched her heart energy change to peace and tranquility. It was so awesome, I just had to tell you. But, that’s not all. I’d say about 10 minutes after she put the pendant around her neck, she was handing me a glass dish to put in the cupboard, when I accidentally knocked it out of her hand. It hit the counter and shattered. Within seconds I realized the broken glass was symbolic of her daughter’s chaotic nature now being shattered in a million pieces. Because of her mom now wearing this pendant (and she is also wearing two Iyashi bracelets) I can see how this new direction will soon bring Diane the peace of mind that will help her make better decisions and live in harmony with her true nature.
by Annette


An amazing product for EMF Protection. Provides an excellent sense of mental focus, clarity and well being.
by James, Los Angeles


“I work in an environment where the Electro Magnetic Frequencies are extremely high, we have tried many products that purportedly provided an effective shield to no avail. When I started wearing my Shieldite pendant I immediately noticed that I generally felt better. Now if I forget to wear it I notice within a short period of time symptoms such as a lighthead, fuzzy thinking, fatigue and slight nausea … a general unease.We have recently purchased a few of your larger rough pieces of Shieldite as well as Pyramids and place them strategically in the areas that have the highest levels of emissions to reduce the negative effects for everyone.

I have also attached the Sheildite Cell phone device to my cell phone and have given them to all of my family.
Thankyou again, for your diligent research and providing this amazing product for our health and wellbeing.” by Christina Young


I live out in the country close to the lake so am close to clean air and water. Whenever I fly to Toronto to seem my mother I would come back and be wiped out for almost a week. The last time I mentioned to a friend that I was going to visit my Mom again she took a pendent from around her neck and gave it to me saying “you need this more than me if you are going to the big city.” I wore the pendant and what a difference….. I came home feeing great and now realize that it was the EMF that were tiring me out whenever I went to the big city. I though the city was just polluted with smog etc but it’s really the invisible pollution that gets to you. If you live in the city you should get out or wear a Shieldite pendant.
by Susie K.


Since I have worn the Shieldite pendant, I have not felt groggy at the computer. Before, I would want to doze off at the computer because it has been difficult to learn how to use it proficiently and am now blown away by still having to learn and feeling awake.
by Moneca Gabriel


The Shieldite works! I work at home from my office room, and I’m surrounded by a computer, a laptop, several screens, and other electronic devices. The clutter of electronics is terrible. I found myself having concentration problems working out of my office despite how I rearranged my desk or the lighting. After googling up what could help me out on this situation, I found out about EMFs… Soon after learning about those and doing my research, I came across Shieldite. I picked up a shieldite block from Iyashi for my office, and ever since using it I can concentrate a whole lot better.
by Thomas


Just wanted to drop a note that I am so grateful you make your very powerful products affordable.On top of having pendents “disappear out of thin air” after placing them on the ground, I live in a dorm that recently had some theft occur. They took my iyashi products, also but I am relieved to know it’s a great product that can easily be replaced at a reasonable price. It’s not the end of the world..
Priceless protection too.Wonderful company and I hope it continues to grow.
by Emily M


I also wanted to let you know that I purchased the Shieldite necklaces and Iyashi bracelets for both my daughter and myself for Christmas. We both are feeling SO MUCH better! We both work around computers all day. I will be referring my clients to you!Thanks so much! by Laura J


Hi! I recently purchased $400.00 of the products and am using them. This past week, I learned that “”Smart Meters”” (now called “”Advanced Meters””) were installed in my new condo building (“”Pacific Rise”” in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). I moved into my new condo here last October 21st. 2014. I did not know when I bought this second floor unit,that my bedroom is directly above the electrical room. The saleslady refused to show us the blueprints, and it was still under construction. The elevators run in directly behind my kitchen cupboards!! So am now quite sure that there are 99 smart meters probably directly underneath my queen size bed! (I have attempted to confirm this with the site manager)… No luck so far.She knows nothing about this upgrade of the meters from EPCOR, Edmonton power company),other than confirming that yes, the meters would be underneath my bedroom…I received the “”upgrade”” card in the mail, from EPCOR last Thursday after the fact… I do, however, have confirmation from EPCOR and a lady named Christine Harkness at EPCOR that these have been installed here last Monday ((October 5th). I was suspicious, having awakened the next two mornings with an extreme headache (I rarely if ever get headaches)! I have the small shieldite pyramid from your company installed underneath my bed and grounded since I got it…(And the other one in my den, beside my computer and wi-Fi). I also have my IYASHI wand on my beside table with the point near the edge, towards my head. In addition, I dug out my Dr. Mercola grounding pad and now am laying in bed with my shoulders on that. No more headaches… I have not been sleeping good (Some nights hardly at all). But last night, finally, I slept better.
by Audrey Young


Hi, I ordered the bracelet and Shieldite special, and I LOVE them!!!
by Judi W


I have been wearing your sheildite pendant for a least 2 1/2 weeks, and have
felt more alert and healthy as described!!
by Tim Z.


THANK YOU SO MUCH. I expected to wait over a month since I mailed my payment buy 10 days later I got my wand and shieldite. I could feel the energy coming from the box and knew without looking who it had come from. Even though the Shieldite probably needed grounding I felt it, I didn’t want to let go of those stones and pyramid to ground them but I did! The wand was so awesome, I understand energy healing and have gone organic and non-gmo for health, have orgonite around the house for protection but this was great. I have chronic hip, shoulder and lower back degenerative disease. Aside from taking diatomaceous earth for the pain the wand literally whisked it away. I could feel pulses in each area when I dipped and radiating energy when I swooped it out of the area, I am using it on all three of my organic cats too, I love it, I can clear pain in a hip in ten minutes, opens the sinuses in less than 2 min, amazing, I then ordered and received my scalar necklace and Shieldite pendant love them all, will be buying more, the tea bag makes my water sweet and clear!
by Dawn Cline


For the last two years I have been very ill from the effects of my computer. My Samsung phone and Samsung tablet. My symptoms are as follows: After 10 – 20 minutes I begin to get a VERY bad headache. After 30 minutes my heart beat becomes very irregular. If I continue for another 30 minutes I get very sharp pains all over my body from head to toes. My girlfriend has a shieldite pendant and she gave it to me to try and I experienced a 50% decrease in my symptoms.”
by Maria F


I recently purchased a bracelet and a pendant. They both work awesomely!
by Chris S


I just wanted to say thank-you so much for your amazing products. I just received the Shieldite rocks and my Iyashi bracelet 2 days ago and can already feel a difference happening.
by Jake


I LOVE both the shieldite pendant and healing bracelet — in fact, I had to order another pendant because I lost it after wearing it only a few days and didn’t want to be without it. They have really made a difference in the way I feel! I am waiting for the under-bed block to be available, as well.Thanks so much
by Sue Zuriff


I now have the pendant and bracelet and enjoy them both.
by Cory W


Its been several months that have passed using the brick sized shieldite and the 8×8 cube; I am still getting wonderful results! I love it,my cat loves it. I am convinced beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that this is what I needed all along. I want to place another order for the 1&1/2 x 1&1/2 cube, by Victor Nyland


Shieldite is wonderful. The cubes have made a great difference.
by Doreen T.



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